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Brigitte Barberane

Vibratory and intuitive soul painting

“The artist is the hand that, through the use of this or that touch of color, sets the soul in vibration”.

(from Vassily Kandinsky

The spiritual in art and painting in particular”)

“L’artiste est la main qui, par l’usage de telle ou telle touche de couleur, met l’âme en vibration”

(d’après Vassily Kandinsky

“Du spirituel dans l’art et dans la peinture en particulier”)

Welcome to the vibrant and intuitive world of Brigitte BARBERANE, a painter who explores the depths of the soul through inspiring works that capture the very essence of life, offering a luminous and benevolent perspective on the world around us.

A professional for over 20 years, her colorful, captivating style celebrates human beauty and invites contemplation and reflection, bringing a touch of well-being to those who immerse themselves in her creations… an experience that soothes the soul and uplifts the spirit, and where love, peace and brotherhood are celebrated at every turn.

"Ressources" (acrylique sur bois) tableau réalisé sur commande à base de mots clés pour un lieu professionnel destiné au bien-être

Much more than an artist, Brigitte BARBERANE is an awakener, inviting her viewers on a luminous journey of inner discovery Co-creator (with Vanessa Mielczareck) and illustrator of the successfull “Portes Oracles” collection (Les Portes de l’Intuition, de l’Âme, Les Portes Magiques de l’Univers), of the Petit Oracle de l’Intuition, of La Mission d’Âme, published by Éditions Trédaniel, and of various “initiatory” works. She lives and works in Occitanie, in Mèze, on the shores of the Thau lagoon, where you can come and meet her.

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© Brigitte Barberane Artiste Peintre 2025